Disclosing pain mechanisms in trigeminal neuralgia
Componente | Categoria |
Gianfranco De Stefano | Dottorando/Assegnista/Specializzando componente non strutturato del gruppo di ricerca |
Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a unique and extremely distressing neuropathic facial pain condition. No study has directly investigated the presence of axonal loss or abnormal function involving specific sets of primary trigeminal afferents in patients with TN. These data may be relevant for identifying possible hallmark signs of concomitant continuous pain or purely paroxysmal pain and for disclosing pathophysiological mechanisms underlying pain in idiopathic TN, and this is crucial for developing effective treatment strategies. In the present project, we aim to identify specific functional and morphological abnormalities of primary trigeminal afferents in patients with TN. To do so, we will carry out a complete psychophysical, neurophysiological, and morphometric testing, combined to a genomic screen of neuronal electrogenisome in 50 patients with classical and idiopathic TN, with and without concomitant continuous pain. We will focus on sensory profiles, neurophysiological parameters, intraepidermal linear fiber density, and rare variants of genes encoding voltage gated ion channels and TRP channels. Results of the present research will be the fundamentals of the future advances being made in the management of this condition.