Developing 3D-printed sensors and machine learning alghoritms for producing smart structures for wearable robotics and implantable bionics
Componente | Categoria |
Zaccaria Del Prete | Aggiungi Tutor di riferimento (Professore o Ricercatore afferente allo stesso Dipartimento del Proponente) |
Luca Mattioli | Dottorando/Assegnista/Specializzando componente il gruppo di ricerca |
The present project has a specific focus on expanding the current knowledge and enhancing technique about 3D-printed sensors with many potential applications. Neuro-muscular diseases cause motor impairment in subjects with different level of severity. Rehabilitation plays a fundamental role in the treatment. In the last decade, exoskeleton solutions were introduced. Currently their application is not so widespread because of their weight, design and assembly complexity, and high cost. Effective improvements could be obtained through new emerging paradigms such as soft robotics and lightweight exoskeletons. The soft and sensing 3D printed exoskeleton with embedded force sensors, proposed in this project, will represent the groundbreaking approach to design a new generation of wearable robotic devices.
Beside the application in soft robotics, the recent development of soft and bio-compatible materials for 3D-printing, opens to an unprecedented scenario where implantable motion sensors could be manufactured in a few hours and in a single piece. This could finally put together the characteristics of biocompatibility and high compliance needed for implantable devices, with the advantages of 3D-printing, paving the way for the future approach to neuromuscular disease treatments.
Recent developments in artificial neural networks could help in designing algorithms trained on the specific sensor output, for filtering the sensor signal and generating a linearized output, capable also to compensate for hysteresis and anisotropy, improving the metrological characteristics of the solution.