A new schedule protocol consisting in 1-Liter polyethylene glycol-based (PEG) bowel preparation before colonoscopy for selected high risk inpatients.

Proponente Rossella Palma - Dottorando
Sottosettore ERC del proponente del progetto
Componenti gruppo di ricerca
Componente Categoria
Stefano Pontone Tutor di riferimento

BACKGROUND AND AIMS - Adequate colonic examination is strictly associated with optimal bowel preparation. Split-dose polyethylene glycol (PEG) based bowel preparation is considered the gold standard. Inpatients are high-risk patients for poor bowel cleansing and often need a correct diagnosis in the shortest time. The rate of inadequate inpatient bowel preparation is high and associated with a significant increase in hospital length of stay and costs.
The aim of this study is to test the efficacy and tolerability of a new same-day low dose, 1 liter, PEG based bowel preparation in hospitalized selected patients.
METHODS - A single-center prospective, double-blind, study is proposed including hospitalized patients scheduled to colonoscopy, presenting risk factors for poor bowel preparation, such as bleeding and/or subocclusive symptoms, in which inflammatory or neoplastic stenosis is suspected. All included patients are randomly divided in two groups receiving: 1L PEG-based on the same day or 4L PEG split-dose, performing colonoscopy within 4 hours after the last dose. Patient demographics, medical history and Bristol Stool Scale type are acquired. After the examination endoscopic data as caecal intubation, withdrawal time, adenoma detection rate and quality of colonic preparation, assessed by the Boston bowel preparation scale (BBPS), are also recorded. The diagnostic rate, is defined as the number of patients with a valid diagnosis after colonoscopy prepared by these two different protocols.
CONCLUSION - We already collected preliminary promising results in a pilot study including 44 selected inpatients. Our preliminary data support that this schedule protocol allows a correct diagnosis in most of selected patients in a shortest time. Therefore this protocol could be introduced in hospitalized high-risk patients in order to improve tolerability and to reduce the waiting time and the length of stay but more studies with a greater number of patients are required.


© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma