RANKL-inhibition as a therapeutic approach in Fibrous Dysplasia of bone: radiographic and histological studies in a murine model of the human disease.

Proponente Alessandro Corsi - Professore Associato
Sottosettore ERC del proponente del progetto
Componenti gruppo di ricerca
Componente Categoria
Biagio Palmisano Dottorando/Assegnista/Specializzando componente il gruppo di ricerca
Samantha Donsante Dottorando/Assegnista/Specializzando componente il gruppo di ricerca
Componente Qualifica Struttura Categoria
Roberto Montanari Prof. Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma Altro personale Sapienza o esterni
Alan Boyde Prof. Dental Physical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London E1 4NS, UK Altro personale Sapienza o esterni

Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a crippling skeletal disease caused by post-zygotic activating mutations of the Gs-alpha gene. One or multiple bones can be affected. Marrow fibrosis, osteomalacia, and osteolysis, the elementary FD tissue changes, make the bone soft and fragile and prompt to fractures and deformities. Today, FD has no cure. Surgery is palliative and drugs in use cannot stop, slow or reverse the bone pathology.
Murine faithful replicas of human FD have been recently generated. In these mice, as in humans, FD lesions develop post-natally following a defined spatial and temporal pattern through discrete stages (non-lytic, 2-3 months; lytic, 6-9 months; full-blown, ~12 months) each with distinct radiographic and histologic features.
Since enhanced bone resorption is a significant morbidity factor in FD and RANKL the major molecular mediator of osteoclastogenesis, we ask if RANKL-inhibition can interfere with development and evolution of FD lesions. To this aim, we plan to treat FD mice with radiographically detectable lesions in the different stages with intraperitoneal injection of anti-RANKL antibody or rat IgG2a as control. At the end of treatment, half of the mice of each group will be euthanized for morphologic analysis; the other half will be euthanized after a 3-month follow-up to assess the effect of treatment discontinuation. During treatment and follow-up mice will be monitored by radiographs and serum biochemical assays. Qualitative and quantitative histology will be performed on FD-affected and unaffected bones. Additional studies, including microCT, BSE-SEM image, qBSE and biomechanical analysis are also planned.
The availability of a murine model of human FD offers, for the first time, the opportunity, to test a specific treatment for a disease for which a cure does not exist to date. In principle, data from this study could be translatable to humans.


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