Cleavage of phosphodiester bond: a theoretical-computational approach

Proponente Marco D'Abramo - Professore Associato
Sottosettore ERC del proponente del progetto
Componenti gruppo di ricerca
Componente Qualifica Struttura Categoria
Grottesi Alessandro HPC Specialist CINECA, Supercomputing Applications and Innovation Unit Altro personale Sapienza o esterni
Rafael Molina Associate Researcher Department of Crystallography & Structural Biology Institute of Physical Chemistry Rocasolano Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) Altro personale Sapienza o esterni

In this project, we propose to characterize by theoretical/computational approaches the reaction of the DNA cleavage as occurring in homing endonucleases.
By combining molecular dynamics simulations with quantum mechanical calculations in a statistical mechanical coherent approaches we plan to fully characterize the factors regulating such a reaction and describe them at atomic level of details.
Therefore, the main objective of the project are:
- To achieve mechanistic insights on the process of double-strand break as occurring in homing endonucleases
­- To provide a robust framework ­ based on the combination of theoretical techniques able to help the customized
recognition DNA sequence specificity.


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