A mid-infrared laser spectroscopy sensor based on surface waves for the study of the anisotropic protein conformational changes.

Proponente Michele Ortolani - Professore Associato
Sottosettore ERC del proponente del progetto
Componenti gruppo di ricerca
Componente Categoria
Alberto Sinibaldi Dottorando/Assegnista/Specializzando componente il gruppo di ricerca / PhD/Assegnista/Specializzando member of the research group
Alessandro Nucara Componenti il gruppo di ricerca / Participants in the research project
Francesco Michelotti Componenti il gruppo di ricerca / Participants in the research project
Componente Qualifica Struttura Categoria
Leonetta Baldassarre ricercatore T.D.A Sapienza - dipartimento di fisica Altro personale Sapienza o esterni / Other personnel Sapienza or other institution
Isabella Chiarotto ricercatore universitario Sapienza - dipartimento SBAI Altro personale Sapienza o esterni / Other personnel Sapienza or other institution
Giacomini Patrizio medico Istituto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena, Roma Altro personale Sapienza o esterni / Other personnel Sapienza or other institution
Danz Norbert tecnologo Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering, Jena, Germany Altro personale Sapienza o esterni / Other personnel Sapienza or other institution
Fritzsche Wolfgang ricercatore Institue for Photonics Technology, Jena, Germany Altro personale Sapienza o esterni / Other personnel Sapienza or other institution

Organic molecules in aqueous solution, ranging from contaminants and pollutants to biomedical markers for cancer diagnostics, are nowadays detected with compact, automated laser sensors based on evanescent waves in the visible range, however these molecules are not easily identified by state-of-the-art photonic devices. The original H2020 Key Enabling Technology proposal (KET-Photonics call) "WaterMirror" aimed at solving this issue by introducing infrared vibrational spectroscopy sensors bases on evanescent waves and tunable quantum cascade lasers, capable of identifying molecules by their vibrational infrared spectrum. The present project aims at executing at Sapienza University of Rome the Work Package 1 of the H2020 proposal WaterMirror.

An evanescent-wave sensor for mid-infrared wavelengths (from 5 to 11 micrometers), based on one-dimensional photonic crystals, will be designed, fabricated and tested in our laboratories (located in two collaborating Departments) with the available quantum cascade laser systems and microbolometer detector arrays. The anisotropic conformational changes of proteins of biomedical interest will be detected with the new sensor in an aqueous environment, controlled by an available microfluidics platform. This will bring the Technology Readiness Level of WaterMirror from 3 (proof-of-concept) to 4 (system validation in the laboratory). Other European partners will be involved and kept up-to-date for future H2020 proposals.

The present project will broaden the wavelength range of photonics technologies for a wide variety of future molecule-specific sensing applications in security, health and environmental safety.


© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma