Low-grade Glioma mutations in blood and CSF exosomes: a possible diagnostic marker for neurosurgical patients.
Componente | Categoria |
Massimo Miscusi | Componenti il gruppo di ricerca |
Antonella Calogero | Componenti il gruppo di ricerca |
The main objective of this project is primarily to investigate whether there is a correlation in low grade glioma between brain tissue hypoxia in vivo, as assessed by a advanced imaging protocol and experimental direct intratumoral measurement, and the presence of new possible circulating markers related to the hypoxic state of the tumor and tumor progression.
This project consists of two research groups (Neurosurgery of Sant'Andrea Hospital and Department of Sciences and Biotechnologies of ¿Sapienza¿ University of Rome), both having a great experience as regards research, in surgical, medical treatment and molecular pathology of glioma.
Clinical and basic researchers team that will cooperate to have a traslational approach.