For an interdisciplinary approach to the relationship between literature and cinema. The nineteenth-century French novel on the screen: historical-cultural, thematic, semiological, linguistic and translational aspects

Proponente Andrea Del Lungo - Professore Ordinario
Sottosettore ERC del proponente del progetto
Componenti gruppo di ricerca

The present interdisciplinary project, which brings together specialists from different sectors, departments and faculties, aims to promote theoretical and applied research on the relationship between the nineteenth-century French novel and its adaptations in French or English, with the specific intent (a) to study the relationship between literature and its cinematographic translation in a historical-ideological, semiological and translational perspective, (b) to study the most purely linguistic (phonological, morphosyntactic and semantic) aspects of film adaptations (in relation to French and English (c) to promote the subtitling of French literature-based films not yet available in Italian, (d) to build a large computer database where both research results and some of the materials which are the object of our analyses will be made available (e) to promote cultural activities aimed at spreading this cinematographic heritage which is arguably often unknown to Italian audiences, both through the creation of events and public screenings and through the involvement of specialists in seminars for students and in conferences. The perspective theoretical and applied results of our project can be summarized as follows: (1) a more in-depth scientific knowledge of the relationship between written medium (especially nineteenth-century French literature) and its translation for the screen in an integrated approach that would also blend the results of semantic analysis under a semiological frame of reference and of formal analysis in a linguistic perspective; (2) a contribution to the practice of subtitling also through the involvement of students; (3) sharing results and research materials with the general public.

SH5_4, SH4_11, SH5_2

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