Disentangling charge and energy transfer processes in two-dimensional heterostructures
Made from stacks of two-dimensional materials, van der Waals heterostructures exhibit unique light-matter interactions and are promising for novel optoelectronic devices. The performance of such devices
is governed by near-field coupling through, e.g., interlayer charge and/or energy transfer. New concepts
and experimental methodologies are needed to properly describe two-dimensional heterointerfaces. We propose to study interlayer charge transfer (ICT) and energy transfer (IET) in transition-metal dichalcogenides based heterostructures. After proper characterization with atomic force microscopy, the samples will be studied with an optical scheme, namely pump&probe, in which a pump pulse excites electrons in TMD and the probe pulse is used for a time delayed Raman measurement. The dependence of the Raman measurements on the electronic (via the resonance enhancement) and phonon properties will allow to discriminate among different exchange effects.