The phi-factory at the extreme: study of the strange entanglement and full exploitation of the largest existing e+e- collision data at a phi-factory.

Proponente Antonio Di Domenico - Professore Associato
Sottosettore ERC del proponente del progetto
Componenti gruppo di ricerca

The KLOE experiment at DAFNE, the Frascati Phi-factory, and its successor KLOE-2, collected the largest existing data sample in the world at an e+e- collider running at the phi-resonance peak energy, corresponding to ~8 fb1 of integrated luminosity, i.e. ~2.4 x 10^10 phi mesons produced.
This unique data sample is very rich in Physics and very prolific in the number of analysis flourishing from it, which is continuously growing.
This partially reflects the truly general purpose concept behind the design of the KLOE/KLOE-2 detector, which is in this respect extremely beneficial.
In this proposal we would like to investigate a peculiar character of neutral kaons, i.e. what is called "strange entanglement", which is specific to two neutral kaon systems in a coherent quantum state with all the interconnections with their properties as single particles: (i) strangeness oscillations (ii) large difference in lifetimes of the physical states (iii) T and CP symmetries violation (iv) extreme sensitivity to CPT violation effects.
A new approach will be adopted in both the theoretical and experimental studies of strange entanglement, not only exploiting this unique quantum phenomenon to perform very fundamental symmetry tests, but also studying and deepening the understanding of the entanglement itself with very different possibilities with respect to other physical systems, as entangled photons, for instance.
The present measurements are far from being exhaustive, and the future analysis and full exploitation of the KLOE/KLOE-2 data will constitute a unique opportunity to deeply explore this field.

PE2_2, PE2_1

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