KydroSAR - Feasibility study of Ku/Ka-band Synthetic Aperture Radar and Earth-observation satellite mission concept oriented to hydrometeorological applications
The KydroSAR project is aimed at exploiting a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) at Ku and Ka band for mapping, detecting and estimating fundamental variables of the hydrometeorological cycle, such as atmospheric precipitation, water vapour and flooded areas. The proposal is a feasibility study of a dual-frequency lightweight small SAR whose baseline foresees dual-polarization capability, large swath, high orbit duty cycle and ground resolution going from few to hundreds of meters, depending on the observation mode. A simulation-based approach, based on physical-electromagnetic modelling of the spaceborne SAR response, is foreseen in order to develop and test the retrieval techniques of geophysical variables.
KydroSAR is the key element of the KydroSAT mission concept, proposed within a H2020 recent call, based on a formation of two near-polar low-Earth-orbit (LEO) mini-satellites both carrying a KydroSAR payload in order to provide a wider swath using small SARs. The KydroSAT observation capability is enhanced by the convoy with the LEO spaceborne multiband SIASGE, composed by COSMOSkyMed X-band SAR plus SAOCOM L-band SAR. In this way the same hydrometeorological scene is observed at L, X, Ku and Ka bands, representing a unique opportunity to improve high-resolution atmospheric, cryospheric and hydrologic products.
The goal of the KydroSAR proposal is to reinforce and keep the momentum of the Sapienza group expertise in the exploitation of the emerging Ku/Ka-band SAR science and technology. Innovation and impact of KydroSAR are expected from scientific, technological and application point of view: 1) precipitation and integrated water vapour maps will be characterized from space together with flood delineation and impact of atmospheric turbulence; 2) hydrology and meteorology communities will explore sub-pixel inhomogeneity, coverage delineation and data assimilation, especially in mountainous areas, small catchments, open ocean and polar regions.