From planning to treatment: a digital workflow for the positioning of clear aligners in complex cases.
Digital workflow of orthodontic-prosthodontic multidisciplinary treatment (OPMT) plan can be developed and applied in complicated reahibilitations, in order to enhance the efficiency of communication dentist- patient. A digital workflow can demonstrate final treatment outcome and makes treatment easier, rapid and more accurate. 100 patients with the needs of OPMT to solve their complicated problems (dental agenesis, premature loss of tooth, dental-alveolar discrepancy, cranio-facial syndromes, skeletal deformities) will be recruited in this study. No restrictions related to age, gender, malocclusion will be applied in the selection criteria. Panoramic radiograph, Cephalogram and Cone Beam Computer Tomography (CBCT) will be requested to each patient, digital measurements/analysis will be performed on them. Digital models of patients¿ both dental arches and soft tissues will be captured using intra oral scanner and analyzed too by software. Prosthodontic and orthodontic treatment plan will be carried out for each patient. Virtual-setups will be performed using orthodontic analyze system and imported to prosthodontic design system to finalize the digital wax-up models (DWM). DWM will be exported and printed into resin diagnostic models which would be utilized in the prosthetic treatment process. Virtual setups will be used to fabricate clear aligners. Anatomical variables like 3Dcephalometric data,alveolar width and height, occlusal vertical dimension will be analyzed by descriptive statistic, while time of treatment (orthodontic and prosthetic), costs and efficiency will be compared to average data available in literature by T-student test. OPMT in complex cases requires long times and high economic costs but with new digital technologies working time is reduced with fewer appointments and easier management of the patients.