Mindfulness and Romantic Jealousy: The Beneficial Role of Being Present in Romantic Relationships
Componente | Categoria |
Mauro Giacomantonio | Tutor di riferimento |
Two studies will be conducted to examine the impact of mindfulness on different types of romantic jealousy, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral (Pfeiffer & Wong, 1989). Using hierarchical linear regression analyses, in Study 1 we will test whether and how mindfulness influences the different types of romantic jealousy controlling for person's self-esteem and relationship contingent self-esteem. In Study 2, mediational analyses will be used to evaluate the different types of romantic jealousy as mediators of the association between mindfulness and relationship satisfaction. We hypothesize that, because both cognitive and behavioral jealousy, but not emotional jealousy, are associated with suspicions concerning a partner's infidelity and more negative relationship outcomes, they should be reduced by high levels of mindfulness. In turn, individuals low in cognitive and behavioral jealousy (rather than emotional jealousy) are expected to experience greater relationship satisfaction. The intent of the present research is to extend previous findings on romantic jealousy by suggesting the importance of mindfulness as a key factor promoting relationship functioning.