The proposal focuses on the implementation of sensors in a runway pavement in order to monitor the pavement response caused by mechanical and thermal conditions. In this field, continuous monitoring of airport pavement saves money and time needed for in-situ surveys, allows the collection of physical and mechanical data useful to predict the pavement performance during its service life. Moreover, this approach reduces the risk and the interference from the periodic surveys activities which are necessary for a correct Airport Pavement Management System. An instrumented runaway pavement could represent a management technology in order to offer an efficient transport system and balance often conflicting constrains due to safety, traffic and economical issues.
The main objectives are:
1) to analyze the longitudinal and transversal distribution of airplane traffic distribution over a runway using a probabilistic approach;
2) to identify the most trafficked areas where sensors could be installed;
3) to analyze the physical and functional characteristics of sensors and instruments useful to measure temperature, strain, stress, deformation, moisture;
4) to design the instrumentation of a runway pavement with both static and dynamic sensors.
Because of an agreement that the researchers involved in the proposed project have with the Italian Air Force, the project will be the base to continue this collaboration. Indeed, the Italian Air Force intends to provide one or more of the runways of their airports with instruments to monitor the behavior of their pavements.
Moreover, the proposed methodology could be implemented in different paved areas where high volume and heavy vehicles are expected, as roads and port handling plants.