Le comunità temporanee di Montegallo. Proposte di autogoverno contro lo spopolamento delle aree interne durante la ricostruzione del post-sisma
From the point of view of post-earthquake territorial government, two sig-
nificant instances have recently emerged in Montegallo, a small village nearby Monte Vettore: on one side the attempt to define an alternative to the institu- tional ‘perimetrations’, on the other side the self-built restoration proposal to obtain a common space from an ancient unused stable.
The ‘perimetration’ is an instrument adopted by the Order of the Commis- sioner No. 25 of 2017 for delimiting areas with specific characteristics, within which to develop specific Urban Restoration Plans for post-earthquake recon- struction. This instrument has been criticised by residents, who fear the long urban planning timeframe that could lead to the complete abandonment of en- tire villages. Therefore, a group composed of inhabitants and local technicians have proposed a ‘de-perimetration’, substituting it with direct reconstruction plans based on participatory processes.
The self-built restoration proposal concerns instead the village of Forca, which is uninhabited during the winter and heavily damaged by the earthquake (70% of the buildings are declared condemned). The comunanza (a kind of agrarian community) with some residents asked Emidio di Treviri research group to support them to start a process of “re-imagination” and self-built res- toration of a small building used as a stable in the past; nowadays the building is completely abandoned but seen by the inhabitants as a great opportunity to create a community space.
What is happening in Montegallo highlights some of the local population attempts to reclaim the local territory management. Furthermore, it allows to make remarks on the quality of decision-making process that have been pro- posed by the institutions: these processes are focusing on a specific approach that does not recognise the ‘collective aspects’ but only the ‘individual aspects’ indeed; also, it allows to make considerations about some forms of ‘seasonal dwelling’ to contrast the mountain abandonment.