Evidence of increased humoral endocrine organ-specific autoimmunity in severe and classic X-chromosome aneuploidies in comparison with 46,XY control subjects
In literature, the importance of X-linked gene dosage as a contributing factor for autoimmune diseases is generally assumed. However, little information is available on the frequency of humoral endocrine organ-specific autoimmunity in X-chromosome aneuploidies. In our preliminary study, we investigated the endocrine organ-specific humoral autoimmunity relative to four different organ-specific autoimmune diseases in a group of adult 47,XXY KS patients and in adults 46,XY control males (type 1 diabetes, T1DM; Addison's disease, AD; Hashimoto thyroiditis, HT; autoimmune chronic atrophic gastritis, AG). The aim of the present study is to evaluate the frequency of autoantibodies (Abs) specific for T1DM, AD, HT, and AG in rarer higher grade X-chromosome aneuploidies (HGA) and in 47,XXY children.