Travelling Culture. Migrazioni, Italia ed Europa tra dati di ricerca e narrazioni mediali
We are facing a new phase of migration processes, in balance between geopolitical, economic and sociocultural in depth changes and lack of preparation of Western media and policy in addressing this complexity. For this reason, migratory phenomena call for particular attention and ability to grasp the human, cultural and even economic side however without eroding dimensions such as trust, cohesion, solidarity, which should be a guide for social life at national and international level. In this process, communication and media play an important role.
To validate this, it has been decided to analyze the media narratives on migration and, in particular, those disseminated through the major mainstream networks, documenting the phenomenon with data provided by secondary sources such as Carta di Roma and the Osservatorio di Pavia and through a comparative analysis of the narrative styles of two tv show aired on the national mainstream networks: " Dalla vostra parte/On Your Side"(Rete 4) and "Radici. L’altra faccia dell’immigrazione/ Roots. The other face of immigration" (Rai 3).