social cohesion

Temi e stili narrativi del terrorismo. Un’analisi dell’infotainment televisivo e delle percezioni degli adolescenti

Il presente contributo si propone di arrivare a ribaltare le regole della narrazione dei fatti terroristici, immaginando inedite strategie di restituzione e persino di contronarrazione degli stessi eventi drammatici. Strategie che possano garantire un diverso empowerment del soggetto, attenuando i decibel della paura e facendo della fiducia e della conoscenza rinnovate piattaforme di solidarietà e di sicurezza.

Radio theatre in Italy. Storytelling between public service broadcasting and new digital spaces

This paper analyzes Italian radio theatre evolution and its ability to put itself always in the middle between radio and other expressive media: theatre, cinema, comics, daily news, books and Internet. Starting from the analysis of the main evolutionary phases of this complex radio genre, this contribution illustrates the complexity of radio theatre as one of the treasures brought to light by media archeology, which lends itself almost naturally to disciplinary and media crossings.

Travelling Culture. Migrazioni, Italia ed Europa tra dati di ricerca e narrazioni mediali

We are facing a new phase of migration processes, in balance between geopolitical, economic and sociocultural in depth changes and lack of preparation of Western media and policy in addressing this complexity. For this reason, migratory phenomena call for particular attention and ability to grasp the human, cultural and even economic side however without eroding dimensions such as trust, cohesion, solidarity, which should be a guide for social life at national and international level. In this process, communication and media play an important role.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma