From Consensus to Innovation. Evolving Towards Crowd-based User-Centered Design
The arising of new technologies ranging from smartphones to social networks is constantly increasing
interactions between people. In the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) community,
adapting technology to human nature is the key concern of User-Centered Design (UCD). However, UCD
tends to neglect the emerging social dimension of technology: users are consulted in the design
process, but they do not have any direct involvement or creative control over the developed technological solutions. On the other hand, the collaborative and social nature of the design process is getting
increasingly explicit in the Product Design community, where well-established participatory approaches
are applied to involve stakeholders, designers, and end-users in the creative process of new products. In
this paper, we first provide a deep analysis of the state of the art of participatory approaches in the
research literature. Then, we investigate how their integration with UCD leads not only to empower the
role of end-users as active collaborators of designers towards a more democratic crowd-based UCD
process, but also to create innovation in the design process. We advocate that such innovation can be
obtained by giving the right voice not only to the users who reach consensus in the design process but
also to the marginals. We provide an explorative model, some experiments, and a sketch of the user
interface to support our claim.