A space-rated soft IP-core compatible with the PIC®hardware architecture and instruction set
Radiation hardening for coping with cosmic-ray-induced faults in electronic equipment has always been a central topic of hardware/software development for aerospace missions. This work presents the design, verification and validation of an 8-bit space-rated RISC MCU FPGA soft-core, featuring hardware architecture and instruction set architecture full compliance with Microchip® PICmicro Midrange MCU. The MCU is code compatible with programs compiled with standard Microchip® tools and has been validated on a custom breadboard to qualify the design for the utilization in harsh space environment. The MCU features an 8-bit fault-tolerant processing core, two 8-bit GPIOs ports, an 8-bit SPI module, an 8-bit UART, a hard-coded non-maskable custom Watch-dog Timer (WDT), and an 8-bit Timer Module. Moreover, it provides two interrupt sources detecting faults inside the MCU Core. The development is compliant with standards ECSS-Q-ST-60-02C “Space product assurance: ASIC and FPGA development” and ECSS-Q-HB-60-02A “Space product assurance: Techniques for radiation effects mitigation in ASICs and FPGAs handbook”. The design features a selection of Radiation-Hardening-By-Design techniques to implement intrinsic and cost effective hardware fault-tolerance, namely Local Triple Modular Redundancy at register/gate level, Error Detection And Correction SEC-DED Hamming codes in memory cells, and Monostable WDT to reset the whole system after a detection of a Functional Interrupt. To emphasize application-tailored hardware cost, the program memory has been implemented in the FPGA LUT cells. The MCU has been synthesized on an Intel-Altera Cyclone IV FPGA device and a Microsemi RTAX-S 1000 rad-hard FPGA device. In both cases the maximum clock frequency is over 20 MHz, i.e. the original PICmicro frequency. An experimental test in artificially radiated operating environment is under development. The target applications for the MCU are low-cost program space missions based on CubeSat deployment. In particular, the on-board primary or secondary payload tasks, that are usually control and signal processing applications (e.g. technology demonstrator and university programs), can be implemented by the proposed fault-tolerant soft-IP core.