Versiones romanas de tres textos de Lope

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Botta Patrizia, Garribba Aviva, Marini Massimo, Vaccari Debora
ISSN: 2014-8860

Three versions of texts of Lope in two Spanish Cancioneros copied in Rome at the beginning of the
seventeenth century are presented. They are little-known witnesses, both kept in the Corsini collection of the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome: Ms. Corsini 625, which is musical (texts 1 and 2), and Ms.
Corsini 970 (text 3). The poems by Lope that these Mss. transmit are: 1) «Esto que me abrasa el
pecho» (five stanzas of nine lines which constitute the song of Olimpio in Book III of the Arcadia of
1598); 2) «En esta larga ausencia» (four stanzas of six lines which are recorded in other musical sources); 3) «Aquel sangriento paño descogiendo» (three octaves of endecasílabos extracted from the
tragicomedia El bastardo Mudarra of 1612, referring to the famous line by Garcilaso, Ay dulces
prendas por mi mal halladas). The three Roman versions are edited and their text is studied.

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