La Grecia ai tempi di M. Fulvio Nobiliore

04 Pubblicazione in atti di convegno
Lo Monaco Annalisa
ISSN: 0392-7636

This paper aims to provide an overview of Greece between the outbreak of the first Macedonian war (215) and the conclusion of the second, with the peace treaty at Apamea (188). The work is organized in thematic sections, with topics concerning Greece's economic resilience, the nature of its economic resources and markets, the movement of goods, the mobility of artists, the few monumental buildings erected in sanctuaries and the clients who made them possible. In closing, a specific analysis is dedicated to the real Greece in which Fulvio Nobiliore moved, from the siege of Ambracia (which falls after just 15 days), to Kefalonia with the more demanding siege of Same (which takes 4 months), up to the Peloponnese, where he stayed for a whole year from 188 to 187.

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