In vitro and in vivo lipidomics as a tool for probiotics evaluation
The probiotic bacteria are helpful for nutritional and therapeutic purposes, and they are commercially available in various forms,
such as capsules or powders. Increasing pieces of evidence indicate that different growth conditions and variability in
manufacturing processes can determine the properties of probiotic products. In recent years, the lipidomic approach has become
a useful tool to evaluate the impact that probiotics induce in host physiology. In this work, two probiotic formulations with
identical species composition, produced in two different sites, the USA and Italy, were utilized to feed Caenorhabditis elegans,
strains and alterations in lipid composition in the host and bacteria were investigated. Indeed, the multicellular organism
C. elegans is considered a simple model to study the in vivo effects of probiotics. Nematodes fat metabolism was assessed by
gene expression analysis and by mass spectrometry–based lipidomics. Lipid droplet analysis revealed a high accumulation of
lipid droplets in worms fed US-made products, correlating with an increased expression of genes involved in the fatty acid
synthesis. We also evaluated the lifespan of worms defective in genes involved in the insulin/IGF-1-mediated pathway and
monitored the nuclear translocation of DAF-16. These data demonstrated the involvement of the signaling in C. elegans responses to the two diets. Lipidomics analysis of the two formulations was also conducted, and the results indicated differences in
phosphatidylglycerol (PG) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) contents that, in turn, could influence nematode host physiology.
Results demonstrated that different manufacturing processes could influence probiotics and host properties in terms of lipid