Per un’ermeneutica dell’incompiutezza. Ricœur e Jervolino in dialogo
The essay deals with two texts within Jervolino's wide scientific production consecrated to Ricœur's work. The first one, Ricœur. L'amore difficile (1994), reflecting on the results of Ricœur's work Soi-même comme un autre looks for a philosophical hermeneutics of the biblical faith as fulfilment of ricœurian project. In his Preface to this book Ricœur acknowledges such hermeneutics as a lack. The second one, an article published in 2004 in the review «Archives de Philosophie», point out the topic of translation as possible paradigm of ricœurian thinking looking at his last main book, La mémoire, l'histoire, l'oubli. In this article Jervolino seems to accept the openness of life and therefore the incompleteness as end of Ricœur's work. In the last paragraph of the essay these topics are connected to Ricœur's idea of phenomenology of religion in which translation as paradigm plays an important role and its link to forgiveness is cleared.