Thermal-hydraulic modeling and analyses of the water-cooled EU DEMO using RELAP5 system code

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Martelli Emanuela, Giannetti Fabio, Ciurluini Cristiano, Caruso Gianfranco, Del Nevo Alessandro
ISSN: 0920-3796

The conceptual design of the Primary Heat Transfer System (PHTS) of the water-cooled European (EU) DEMO foresees two independent cooling circuits, the breeding zone PHTS and the first wall PHTS. During the pulse time (120 minutes) the first delivers thermal power to the turbine, the latter delivers thermal power to the Intermediate Heat Transfer System (IHTS) equipped by an Energy Storage System (ESS). The IHTS delivers partially thermal power to the turbine in pulse so that to accumulate a suitable amount of energy in ESS to operate the turbine during the dwell time (10 minutes) at almost constant load, despite the EU DEMO pulsation of the generated thermal power. A dynamic model of the primary systems of water-cooled EU DEMO is developed using RELAP5/Mod3.3 system code to verify components sizing and to investigate code predictive capabilities. The model includes the primary and secondary side of the breeding zone and first wall, and in particular: in-vessel (i.e. breeding blanket) and ex-vessel components (i.e. main collectors, hot and cold legs, heat exchangers, steam generators, pumps). Preliminary assessments of the nodalization have been carried out, in particular checking pressure drops along the systems and heat exchanger performances.

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