Innovative hybrid energy systems for heading towards NZEB qualification for existing buildings
This paper deals with the potential role of new hybrid energy systems application along with the heating share concept. It analyses the possibility to develop new plant refurbishment strategy so as to promote the deployment of small scale smart energy systems. Up to now, many new technologies have been implemented can be used for achieving the NZEB objectives. The paper clears up how is possible to share the heat for a small group of dwellings arranged in a single lot. Through the use of a new plant layout for high temperature heat production, it was possible to investigate and compare the results with the typical separated generation systems. Therefore, the new plant design allows the four dwellings to share a cold heat sink able to feed 4 trans-critical CO2 heat pumps. In this way, the four dwellings have been interconnected each other by that hydraulic loop while the electricity is generated by PV arrays and CHP. Outcomes of this comparative analysis has been reported and discussed.