Value of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy with 99mTc-HYNIC-TOC in patients with primary sjögren syndrome

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Kelly Anzola Luz, Nelson Rivera Josè, A Dierckx Rudi, Lauri Chiara, Valabrega Stefano, Galli Filippo, Moreno Lopez Sergio, WJM Glaudemans Andor, Signore Alberto
ISSN: 2077-0383

Primary Sjögren syndrome (SS) is diagnosed based on the American European Consensus Group (AECG) criteria, but lacks specificity, not only in the involvement of salivary glands, but also in extra-glandular involvement. Whole-body somatostatin receptor scintigraphy with 99m Tc-HYNIC-TOC scintigraphy could overcome these limitations. The aims of this study were to evaluate salivary gland uptake of 99m Tc-HYNIC-TOC in untreated patients with de-novo diagnosis of SS as compared to control subjects and as compared to conventional sialoscintigraphy with 99m TcO 4?. We also aimed to evaluate the involvement of joints.
99m Tc-HYNIC-TOC was used with SS patients and uptake in joints and salivary glands was analyzed semi-quantitatively. Patients also underwent 99m TcO 4 sialoscintigraphy. The control group that we analyzed consisted of 30 patients with neuroendocrine tumors.
Fifty-two females and 10 males fully met the AECG criteria for SS, and were included. A target background ratio (TBR)> 1.18 in submandibular glands correctly classified 93% of the patients with SS in comparison to 27% for 99m TcO 4 sialoscintigraphy. The area under the curve (ROC) analysis for TBR in submandibular glands was 0.95. In joints there was a huge variety in uptake. The median TBR was significantly higher in salivary glands in patients with SS compared to controls.
99m Tc-HYNIC-TOC scintigraphy identified active inflammatory processes not only in the salivary glands, but, unexpectedly, also in many joints in patients with primary SS, contrary to popular belief. This technique provides an objective …

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