Consensus document and recommendations for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in Italy - 2018

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Volpe Massimo, Tocci Giuliano, Accettura Domenico, Battistoni Allegra, Bellone Simonetta, Bellotti Paolo, Bertolotti Marco, Borghi Claudio, Casasco Maurizio, Consoli Agostino, Coppini Raffaele, Corsini Alberto, Costanzo Gianfranco, Desideri Giovambattista, Ferri Claudio, Galanti Giorgio, Giada Franco, Icardi Giancarlo, Lombardi Niccolò, Modena Maria Grazia, Modesti Pietro Amedeo, Monti Giorgio, Mugelli Alessandro, Orsi Andrea, Parati Gianfranco, Pedretti Roberto F. E., Perseghin Gianluca, Pirro Matteo, Ricotti Roberta, Rizzoni Damiano, Rotella Carlo, Rubattu Speranza, Salvetti Guido, Sarto Patrizio, Tassinari Federico, Trimarco Bruno, de Kreutzenberg Saula Vigili, Volpe Roberto
ISSN: 1827-6806

Cardiovascular prevention represents a cornerstone of modern strategies to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease. It is of key importance to prevent cardiovascular diseases and associated events, not only to reduce morbidity and mortality, but also to increase the years of wellness in the aging population and to make the growing socio-economic burden imposed by cardiovascular events more sustainable.The current approach to prevention is based on an integrated use of effective lifestyle measures and, whenever appropriate, of antihypertensive and antidiabetic drugs, lipid-lowering agents and antiplatelet drugs.Given that population characteristics, in terms of ethnicity, demography and lifestyle habits, and healthcare system organizations differ among countries, international guidelines are not always applicable to specific countries and, often, are difficult to translate into daily clinical practice.In order to afford the specific features of Italy, 10 Scientific Societies and Research Institutions, mostly involved in preventive strategies, contributed to the present Italian consensus document, which includes brief, practical recommendations to support the preventive actions within the physician community and the general practice setting.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma