The care of gender diverse children and adolescents in Italy. A multi-method approach to investigate mental health professionals and specialist services’ model of interventions
Introduction: Currently in Italy gender diversity has assumed a remarkable resonance and visibility both scientific and literary and this has facilitated the development of studies regarding treatments and support for children and adolescents with gender related issues.
Aim: This study has been articulated in three stages. First: Make a preliminary evaluation of the number of cases of gender variant youth seen by mental health professionals (psychologists, psychotherapists and paediatricians).
Second: A qualitative research of the model of interventions of professionals, their knowledge about gender diversity and what kind of care and approach they use.
Third: A qualitative analysis of the approach of the centres that provide support and care for children and adolescents with gender diversity in Italy, of the method they use, the services they offer and the kind of network they have between each other.
Methods: An online questionnaire directed to professionals was used for the first part of the research and Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) methodology was applied to semi-structured interviews for the second and third parts.
Results: 374 cases were reported from professionals and consisted in 200 children (age 2-11) and 174 adolescents (age 12-19), 7 interviews were made and 11 centres were reached.
Conclusion: This study allowed an accurate mapping of the current awareness of Italian professionals in gender diversity and an overview of the specialist centres for gender dysphoric children and adolescents in Italy.