Letter to the editor in response to “Medically-assisted procreation and the rise of off-center, new types of “parenthood”: It is incumbent upon lawmakers to intervene”
The present letter is meant as a response to the commentary titled “Medically-assisted procreation and the rise of off-center, new types of “parenthood”: it is incumbent upon lawmakers to intervene”, which was published in issue 4, 2019, of the La Clinica Terapeutica journal. Newly available reproductive techniques have given rise to new opportunities to fulfill one's wishes for parenthood. Such developments have caused procreation to be perceived as a right, intended as the right to «artificial» procreation. Not only do such trends impact those couples who travel abroad in order to have children through heterologous fertilization and surrogacy: singles and same-sex couples pursue those avenues as well in order to become parents. In the article which we are commenting upon, the author has perused the evolving jurisprudence on that subject, pointing out how necessary it is for lawmakers to step in and clearly define the rights of all parties involved, minors in particular.