Pomp. l. s. enchirid. D. 1, 2, 2, 10: praemuniret o praemunirent?
In this paper it is proposed a lecture of Pomp. l. s. enchirid. D. 1, 2, 2, 10 which is more faithful to the handwritten littera Florentina, where there is a singular inflection of the Latin reflexive verb praemunire, whereas in the Mommsen-Krueger’s editio of Digesta it is approved the plural form of the verb, maybe proposed by Haloander first. This different philological solution involves that the verb should necessarily refer to a singular subject, different from the cives, that is quisque [magistratus] («each [magistrate]»); this different translation can be approved if we confer to the verb se praemunire a meaning that is different from the meaning generally conferred by
translators. This different lecture of the fragment could offer a contribution to the study of the «certain recognizability» and predictability» of ius in the Roman age.