La performance nel settore pubblico tra misure di output e di outcome. Una revisione strutturata della letteratura
The paper aims at understanding the state-of-the-art on the performance measurement models in the public sector. Thus, the article highlights the existing studies in the international scenario, critically analyzing the main topics, and drafting the future research lines. A structured literature review has been employed to analyze the papers published in the most famous journals of public management and administration. The results underline a framework summarizing the existing literature in the
international scenario. In particular, findings highlight a call to encompass transparency, responsibility, sustainability, and public value in the measurement system, also taking into consideration new types of public organizations, such as the hybrid ones. While some sectors are well investigated, there is the need to deepen the knowledge of certain fields further. In the long run, scholars and practitioners should generate and rethink new integrated performance evaluation models that can cope with the changes occurring in the public sector. Findings provide a shared vision of current research lines, supporting scholars in their future work on new streams.