Physical Activity and HIV: Effects on Fitness Status, Metabolism, Inflammation and Immune-Activation
Several studies evidenced that a sedentary lifestyle is related with higher levels of systemic inflammation and highlighted that physical activity can trigger anti-inflammatory effects. To evaluate the impact of self-prescribed physical activity on fitness status, metabolism, inflammation and immune-activation in people living with HIV, an interim analysis of the results of the clinical trial PRIMO (NCT03392805) was performed. Patients enrolled were divided in 2 groups on the basis of self-prescribed physical activity: a physically active group (self-prescribed physical activity) and a sedentary group. Physical fitness was evaluated by sport medicine specialists and related to nutritional status, anthropometric variables, adipokines levels (adiponectin, leptin, resistin), peripheral immune-activation (CD38, HLA-DR on CD4 and CD8), and plasma inflammatory markers (IL-6 and TNF-α). The physically active group had a better profile in anthropometric measures and aerobic fitness but did not show lower levels of immune-activation compared to sedentary group. Also serum IL-6, TNF-α, and adipokines levels showed no statistical differences. On the basis of these data, a regular self-organized physical activity seems useful to improve cardio-respiratory fitness, but unable to control HIV-related immune-activation.