Giving Form to Absence. Experiences in Representation, Communication, and Narration for the Places and Community of Amatrice
This chapter is motivated by the possibility of an intelligent use of digital technologies by experimenting with communicational forms and languages to enhance cultural heritage. The experimentation was conducted about a particular case study —the urban space of Amatrice and its community, overturned by the earthquake on 24 August 2016 and the successive aftershocks— with the goal of investigating the opportunities to integrate material and immaterial, tangible and intangible artefacts with reference to the experiences proposed for visitors, the type of individual and collective use, and the digital interfaces/devices and physical supports. The overall goal is to propose various visits, that is, different types of “virtual museums,” investigating in particular the specific contributions that the discipline of representation and the details of its communicational models can contribute to the context of correlations between representation/innovation and technology/communication.