3D modeling

Documentare il patrimonio storico attraverso il BIM. Finalità e metodologia applicativa

Il paper intende approfondire le possibilità e le criticità nell’utilizzo del Building Information Modeling come applicativo per la documentazione e gestione del patrimonio storico costruito, il cosiddetto H-BIM. Questa tematica, molto discussa dagli studiosi soprattutto negli ultimi anni, pone quesiti non ancora risolti sulla metodologia operativa e la possibilità di utilizzo in questo specifico campo di applicazione.

BIM for built cultural heritage: the case of the Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence.

The 3D virtual modeling of any artifact involves the organized composition of digital elements. This process is common to any 3D modeling workflow but, when applied to BIM systems, shows a good correspondence in the construction processes between the virtual and the real world. In fact, any building can be considered as a coordinated set of simple technological elements, linked together by design logics and construction techniques that are quite predictable and controllable.

BIM for built cultural heritage: semantic segmentation, architectural stratification and LOD of the Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence.

The 3D virtual modeling of any artifact involves the organized composition of digital elements. This process is common to any 3D modeling workflow but, when applied to BIM systems, shows a good correspondence in the construction processes between the virtual and the real world. In fact, any building can be considered as a coordinated set of simple technological elements, linked together by design logics and construction techniques that are quite predictable and controllable.

Uso produttivo e riproduttivo del 3D modeling

In un saggio pubblicato nel 1922 da László Moholy-Nagy dal titolo Produktion-Reproduktion, si so- steneva che il compito dell’artista dovrebbe essere quel- lo di usare in modo “produttivo” e non solo “riproduttivo” tutte le tecnologie e i media disponibili. Questo richiamo storico appare quanto mai attuale nella distinzione che potrebbe essere fatta oggi tra un uso “produttivo” ed un uso solamente “riproduttivo” delle nuove tecnologie.

Digital archaeological dissemination. Eleniana Domus in Rome

This research is based on the virtual reconstruction and enhanced communication of the Eleniana Domus using the New Technologies (NNTT).
The historical interest of the site, along with its excellent state of preservation and the works that turned it into a museum, make the Domus an excellent subject to develop innovative research with virtual reconstruction and interactive applications directly on site.
The methodology underlying the research involves a series of mutually connected activities:
- survey of the object or area of interest by means of a 3D laser scan;

Representation in Architecture as Idea, Physical Model, 3D Modeling, BIM

This chapter describes that representation in architecture has over time been evolving, moving from the
concept of idea to physical model to digital model and today to BIM. Historically, from the Renaissance
onwards, physical models have been used to document the project, in an effort to make the project more
comprehensible to clients and more easily interpretable by those who execute it. A step to 3D modeling
has been the most recent change, recording data inside a computer, where the model is made up

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