Dopo la battaglia. Le notizie sulle azioni navali della Regia Marina nella seconda guerra mondiale – 2a parte

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Cimbolli Spagnesi Piero
ISSN: 1826-6428

The publication started in the previous issue of the Bulletin of the list of the News on naval actions of the Italian Royal Navy in the Second World War for the period 1940-1943, preserved in the archive of the Historical Office of the General Staff of the Italian Navy, ends. In this second part are listed the news of the naval actions from April 21, 1942 to June 30, 1943. In closing is the reasoned introduction to the editorial series La Marina italiana nella Seconda guerra mondiale [The Italian Navy in World War II], with the list of volumes published and their re-editions, which is still today the official history of the Italian Royal Navy in the conflict and a basic work for the further study of the News on the naval actions of the entire period 1940-1943.

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