Architectural Restoration between Continuity and Innovation. The Italian proposal

02 Pubblicazione su volume
Fiorani Donatella

The teaching of restoration has ‘overflowed’ from the discipline of architecture, leading to the enlivening of degree programs in Architectural Engineering and even enriching - extemporaneously, and sometimes seemingly randomly - 'literary' degrees in Cultural Heritage; 'scientific' degrees in Diagnostics; and training (now established as a university degree) in Conservation of Works of Art. This situation has created several problems, especially with regard to disciplinary standards, with consequent misunderstandings about the work expectations of graduates, and the awarding of assignments for teaching. The teaching model for restoration and conservation revolves around the acquisition of operational skills in the framework of knowledge of theory, history, construction, materials, and design. It must therefore be assessed using methods of transmission and acquisition of multiple strands of knowledge to be integrated with each other: applicable to learning systems of a theoretical nature (aimed at communicating information), experiential nature (for the transmission of knowledge and skills) and creative nature (with the promotion of Socratic processing capabilities and narrative). Today the academic study of restoration is characterized by a balance of light and darkness, albeit a dynamic and interesting one; we must check and adjust the premises and consequences of the discipline, in a contemporary setting strongly marked by rapid and profound transformations.

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