Andrea Crisanti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Canonical vs. grand canonical ensemble for bosonic gases under harmonic confinement ENTROPY 2024
Noise-Induced Phase Separation and Time Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Active Field Theories Driven by Persistent Noise PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2024
Most probable path of active Ornstein-Uhlenbeck particles PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2023
Dynamical mean-field theory and the aging dynamics Spin glass theory and far beyond. Replica symmetry breaking after 40 years 2023
Critical active dynamics is captured by a colored-noise driven field theory COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS 2022
Machine Learning use for prognostic purposes in Multiple Sclerosis LIFE 2021
Universality class of the motility-induced critical point in large scale off-lattice simulations of active particles SOFT MATTER 2021
A single-agent extension of the SIR model describes the impact of mobility restrictions on the COVID-19 epidemic SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021
Considering patient clinical history impacts performance of machine learning models in predicting course of multiple sclerosis PLOS ONE 2020
Statistical field theory and effective action method for scalar active matter PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2020
Condensation versus ordering: from the spherical models to Bose-Einstein condensation in the canonical and grand canonical ensemble PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2019
Statistics of optimal information flow in ensembles of regulatory motifs PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2018
Collaboration between a human group and artificial intelligence can improve prediction of multiple sclerosis course. A proof-of-principle study F1000RESEARCH 2018
Path integral approach to random neural networks PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2018
Derivation of the spin-glass order parameter from stochastic thermodynamics PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2018
Heat fluctuations of Brownian oscillators in nonstationary processes: Fluctuation theorem and condensation transition PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2017
Noise Enhances Action Potential Generation in Mouse Sensory Neurons via Stochastic Resonance PLOS ONE 2016
Statistical mechanics models for multimode lasers and random lasers PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE 2016
A simple spin model for three step relaxation and secondary processes in glass formers JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 2015
Replica Fourier Transform: Properties and applications NUCLEAR PHYSICS. B 2015

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