Fabio Ciambella


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Dance Lexicon in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries: A Corpus-based Approach 2021
Bigliazzi, Silvia, ed., Oedipus at Colonus and King Lear: Classical and Early Modern Intersections, Skenè Studies I, 2, Verona, Skenè Theatre and Drama Studies, 2019, 450 pp. MEMORIA DI SHAKESPEARE 2021
Danza, lingue e potere: (s)cortesia ne La dodicesima notte di Shakespeare LINGUAE & 2020
“Few Wise Women’s Honesties”: Dialoguing with Roman Women in Ben Jonson’s Roman Plays Roman Women in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries 2020
Narratological insights and stylistic perspectives in Shakespeare’s Shipwreck accounts FICTIONS 2020
The discourse of historiography in CLIL history textbooks LINGUE E LINGUAGGI 2020
The [Italian] dancing master: English reception of Italian Renaissance terpsichorean manuals. A corpus-driven analysis Reception Studies and Adaptation: A Focus of Italy 2020
From ESP to CLIL: Theoretical Insights, Experimentation and Future Prospects at the School for Army Training Sub-Officers of Viterbo, Italy Humanities in the Spotlight: The Role of Humanities in Pandemic Times 2020
‘Look out for the small of your back’: (Im)politeness in Swinburne’s The Statue of John Brute RSV. RIVISTA DI STUDI VITTORIANI 2019
Specialised tourist discourse: Translating Schott’s Itinerarii in early modern England STATUS QUAESTIONIS 2019
Swinburne's The Statue of John Brute 2018
‘When Sorrows Come’: Shakespearean Echoes in The Originals INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS 2018
Let’s MEME together: Role-swapping and digital literacy in adult education Adult Learning: Experiences and Prospects in Europe 2018
Wilde Goes Gothic: Salome between Ghosts and Vampires “The common darkness where the dreams abide:” Perspectives on Irish Gothic and Beyond 2018
La formazione linguistica CLIL: Esperienze, riflessioni, proposte CLIL alla Tuscia. Progetti, prodotti e riflessioni dai corsi di formazione 2018
CLIL alla Tuscia. Progetti, prodotti e riflessioni dai corsi di formazione 2018
Dalla parola al dumb dance show: Twelfth Night del Synetic Theater Twelfth Night. Dal testo alla scena 2017
"There was a star danced": Danza e rivoluzione copernicana in Shakespeare 2017
Remediating Gothic: Hotel Transylvania and the Subversion of Gothic Prototypes Remediating Texts and Contexts from Shakespeare to the Present 2017
Tribble, Evelyn, Early Modern Actors and Shakespeare’s Theatre: Thinking with the Body, London, Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2017, 240 pp. MEMORIA DI SHAKESPEARE 2017

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