Franco Burla


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Burnout and perceived stress among Italian physical therapists during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study PSYCHOLOGY, HEALTH & MEDICINE 2023
HSE Management Standards and burnout dimensions among rehabilitation professionals OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE 2021
Manuale di psicologia clinica e psicopatologia. Per i corsi di laurea in medicina, psicologia, infermieristica e professioni sanitarie della riabilitazione 2020
Use of mouse-tracking software to detect faking-good behavior on personality questionnaires: an explorative study SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020
MMPI-2 Profiles of Mothers Engaged in Parental Alienation JOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES 2020
Multi-parameter, neurological, prospective study (SENOPRO_GAUCHER study) of type 1 Gaucher Disease patients: preliminary results 2020
Drinking and driving relapse. data from bac and mmpi-2 PLOS ONE 2019
Introducing Machine Learning to Detect Personality Faking-Good in a Male Sample: A New Model Based on Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 Restructured Form Scales and Reaction Times FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY 2019
Psychopathology and personality in problematic internet users RIVISTA DI PSICHIATRIA 2019
MMPI-2-RF Profiles in Child Custody Litigants FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY 2019
Ecological Validity of the Inventory of Problems-29 (IOP-29): an Italian Study of Court-Ordered, Psychological Injury Evaluations Using the Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology (SIMS) as Criterion Variable PSYCHOLOGICAL INJURY AND LAW 2019
Indicators to distinguish symptom accentuators from symptom producers in individuals with a diagnosed adjustment disorder: A pilot study on inconsistency subtypes using SIMS and MMPI-2-RF PLOS ONE 2019
Use of the parents preference test in child custody evaluations: Preliminary development of conforming parenting index MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Burnout and work-related stress in italian rehabilitation professionals: a comparison of physiotherapists, speech therapists and occupational therapists WORK 2018
Could time detect a faking-good attitude? A study with the MMPI-2-RF FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2018
Draw-a-person for the evaluation of antisocial personality trait PREVENTION & RESEARCH 2016
Impulsiveness and metarepresentative functions of borderline patients with psychopathic conducts: an experimental study with the Rorschach test INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH & PSYCHIATRY 2016
Burnout, stress lavorativo e dimensioni psicologiche correlate negli operatori dell'area riabilitativa RIVISTA SCUOLA IAD. MODELLI, POLITICHE R&T 2016
Orientarsi per crescere. Riflessioni su un percorso di orientamento al futuro RIVISTA SCUOLA IAD. MODELLI, POLITICHE R&T 2016
L’analisi grafologica per la valutazione del tratto antisociale di personalità RASSEGNA DI PSICOTERAPIE IPNOSI 2015

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