Antonio Pierro


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Associations of risk perception of COVID-19 with emotion and mental health during the pandemic. JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS 2020
How stressful is retirement! Antecedents of stress linked to athletes’ career termination JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Need for closure effect on collective action intentions and behavior toward immigrants in Italy: The mediation of binding foundations and political conservatism JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Tracking the leader: Gaze behavior in group interactions ISCIENCE 2019
I don’t feel positive, but you are: every issue can be settled! The role of self and others’ positivity in the perception of intragroup conflict at work CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2019
The epistemic bases of prejudice: The role of need for cognitive closure TPM. TESTING, PSYCHOMETRICS, METHODOLOGY IN APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Motivated prejudice: The effect of need for closure on anti-immigrant attitudes in the United States and Italy and the mediating role of binding moral foundations INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS 2019
Which people are willing to maintain their subordinated position? Social dominance orientation as antecedent to compliance to harsh power tactics in a higher education setting PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES 2019
"Letting myself go forward past wrongs". How regulatory modes affect self-forgiveness PLOS ONE 2018
Assessment and locomotion conjunction. How looking complements leaping … but not always ADVANCES IN EXPERIMENTAL SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2018
A structural model of intrinsic motivation. On the psychology of means-ends fusion PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW 2018
Social dominance and interpersonal power. Asymmetrical relationships within hierarchy-enhancing and hierarchy-attenuating work environments JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2018
“Keeping in mind the gender stereotype". The role of need for closure in the retrieval‑induced forgetting of female managers’ qualities COGNITIVE PROCESSING 2018
All about cognitive consistency. A reply to commentaries PSYCHOLOGICAL INQUIRY 2018
Cognitive Consistency Theory in Social Psychology: A Paradigm Reconsidered PSYCHOLOGICAL INQUIRY 2018
A “bridge” over troubled water: implications of the effect of locomotion mode on hopelessness JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2018
The trials of women leaders in the workforce. How a need for cognitive closure can influence acceptance of harmful gender stereotypes SEX ROLES 2018
Retrieval-induced forgetting as motivated cognition FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2018
When and Why Do Liberals and Conservatives Think Alike?: An Investigation into Need for Cognitive Closure, the Binding Moral Foundations, and Political Perception SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2018
Stress lavoro-correlato tra le infermiere: gli effetti dei modi regolatori [Work-related stress among nurses: the effect of regulatory mode] RASSEGNA DI PSICOLOGIA 2018


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  • SH5_8

Interessi di ricerca

Gli interessi di ricerca includono: potere e leadership, persuasione, processi di gruppo e autoregolazione, motivazioni epistemiche. In generale, le linee di ricerca riguardano l’interfaccia motivazione e cognizione. In particolare gli interessi di ricerca riguardano:

Comunicazione persuasiva:

  • Modello ad una Via (Unimodel) della Persuasione;
  • Fit Regolatorio e Persuasione;
  • Autorità Epistemica e Persuasione;
  • Campagne di Comunicazione.

Potere e Leadership:

  • Basi Sociali del Potere e “Interpersonal Power Interaction Model” (IPIM);
  • Leadership ed Identità Sociale;
  • Leadership Equa;
  • Leadership Etica;
  • Leadership Femminile e Stereotipi di Genere;
  • Fit Persona-Leader;
  • Fit Regolatorio e Stili di Leadership.


  • Foci Regolatori: Promotion e Prevention Focus;
  • Modi Regolatori: Locomotion e Assessment  Modes.

Motivazioni epistemiche

  • Effetti Intrapersonali del Bisogno di Chiusura Cognitiva;
  • Conseguenze Interpersonali del Bisogno di Chiusura Cognitiva;
  • Impatto del Bisogno di Chiusura sui Processi Intra e Inter-Gruppo.


Epistemic motivation
Social power
Cross-cultural psychology

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma