Sabrina Pagano


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Living in the shadow of Vesuvius: Analysis of the wall paintings of Pollena Trocchia's Roman buildings across historical eruptions CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 2024
Archaeometric Characterisation and Assessment of Conservation State of Coins: The Case-Study of a Selection of Antoniniani from the Hoard of Cumae (Campania Region, Southern Italy) HERITAGE 2023
3D Photogrammetric Survey, Raking Light Photography and Mapping of Degradation Phenomena of the Early Renaissance Wall Paintings by Saturnino Gatti—Case Study of the St. Panfilo Church in Tornimparte (L’Aquila, Italy) APPLIED SCIENCES 2023
Archaeometric Characterisation and Assessment of Conservation State of Coins: The Case-Study of a Selection of Antoniniani from the Hoard of Cumae (Campania Region, Southern Italy) HERITAGE 2023
Pigments of the Campania region (Italy): a first overview for ancient wall paintings ACTA IMEKO 2023
Caratterizzazione archeometrica e valutazione dello stato di conservazione delle monete: il caso studio di una selezione di antoniniani da un ripostiglio di fine III secolo a Cuma (Campania, Italia Meridionale) Archeo.Metalli (Ag, Pb, Cu). Materiali e tecniche di analisi per l'archeologia e la numismatica. Ricerche in corso: strumenti, schede e documenti 2023
Roman technological expertise in the construction of perpetual buildings: new insights into the wall paintings of a banquet scene from a tomb in Cumae (southern Italy) ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2022
Multilayer Technology of Decorated Plasters from the domus of Marcus Vipsanus Primigenius at Abellinum (Campania Region, Southern Italy): An Analytical Approach MINERALS 2022
Pigments through the ages: examples from archaeological contexts of Campania region (southern Italy) 2022 IMEKO TC4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 2022

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