Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Sensorët smart dhe përdorimi i tyre në monitorim dhe vlerësimin e të dhënave / Smart sensors and their use in monitoring and data evaluation | BULETINI SHKENCOR | 2023 |
Energy efficiency in short and wide-area IoT technologies—A survey | TECHNOLOGIES | 2021 |
Two-tier architecture for NB-IoT: Improving coverage and load balancing | 2019 26th International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 2019 | 2019 |
Computer Based Technologies in Marine Sciences | 8th MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON EMBEDDED COMPUTING | 2019 |
Aplication of virtual reality technology in biology education in Vlora, Albania | “CONTEMPORARY EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHES. Education and Human Rights | 2018 |
Performance analysis of LEACH routing protocol in wireless sensor networks | International Journal on ICT Education,Knowledge Society & Open Governance , Dubrovnik, | 2015 |
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