Maria Sabrina Sarto


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Enamel remineralization and repair results of Biomimetic Hydroxyapatite toothpaste on deciduous teeth: an effective option to fluoride toothpaste JOURNAL OF NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY 2019
Temperature dependence of the shear viscosity of mineral oils and natural esters 2019 IEEE 20th International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL) 2019
Phase inversion in PVDF films with enhanced piezoresponse through spin-coating and quenching POLYMERS 2019
3D porous graphene based aerogel for electromagnetic applications SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2019
Transparent graphene-based absorber for next generation wireless 5G technology EMC Europe 2019 - 2019 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility 2019
PVDF-graphene nanocomposite coatings for electromagnetic wave absorption 2019 IEEE International symposium on electromagnetic compatibility, signal and power integrity, EMC+SIPI 2019 2019
Piezoresistive Flexible Elastomeric Foams Coated with Graphene-Polymer Nanocomposite Film Graphene 2019 2019
Effective medium model of periodic nanolayered transparent shields IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY 2019
Piezoresistive Fabric Produced Through PVDF-Graphene Nanocomposite Film Incorporation in Textile Via Screen Printing Technique 2019 IEEE SENSORS 2019
Electromagnetic modeling and EMC performances of graphene-based micro-/nanostructures Carbon-Based Nanoelectromagnetics 2019
Electrical, mechanical and electromechanical properties of graphene-thermoset polymer composites produced using acetone-DMF solvents POLYMERS 2018
Graphene-Coated Honeycomb for Broadband Lightweight Absorbers IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY 2018
Surface disinfections: present and future JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS 2018
Piezoelectric thin films of ZnO-nanorods/nanowalls grown by chemical bath deposition IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY 2018
PFM characterization of PVDF nanocomposite films with enhanced piezoelectric response IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY 2018
Piezoelectric effect and electroactive phase nucleation in self-standing films of unpoled PVDF nanocomposite films NANOMATERIALS 2018
Electromagnetic wave absorption and structural properties of wide-band absorber made of graphene-printed glass-fibre composite SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2018
Low-terahertz modeling of graphene/dielectric multilayers using an equivalent single layer in reverberation environment IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY 2018
Tunable graphene/dielectric laminate for adaptive low-gigahertz shielding and absorbing screens IEEE ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY MAGAZINE 2018
Graphene -gold electrodes for flexible nanogenerators based on porous piezoelectric PVDF Films 2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO) 2018

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© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma