Patrizia Caprari


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
From theory to practice: optimisation of available information for landslide hazard assessment in Rome relying on official, fragmented data sources LANDSLIDES 2023
Data requirements and scientific efforts for reliable large-scale assessment of landslide hazard in urban areas EGUsphere - EGU General Assembly 2022 2022
Landslides triggered after the 16 August 2018 Mw 5.1 Molise earthquake (Italy) by a combination of intense rainfalls and seismic shaking LANDSLIDES 2020
Geological and geotechnical models definition for 3rd level seismic microzonation studies in Central Italy BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2020
Il Catalogo CEDIT: dall’inventario degli effetti sismoindotti all’analisi di scenario - The CEDIT Catalogue: from inventorying of earthquake-induced ground effects to analysis of scenario Giornate di Geologia e Storia 2020
Influence of Geological Complexities on Local Seismic Response in the Municipality of Forio (Ischia Island, Italy) ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2020
An Innovative Multilevel Test for Hemoglobinopathies. TGA/Chemometrics Simultaneously Identifies and Classifies Sickle Cell Disease From Thalassemia FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES 2020
Scenari di rischio dell'interazione tra spostamenti indotti da fenomeni franosi e rete viaria Progetto SISMI-DTC Lazio - Conoscenze E Innovazioni Per La Ricostruzione E Il Miglioramento Sismico Dei Centri Storici Del Lazio 2020
Modellazione numerica bidimensionale della risposta sismica nel comune di Accumoli Progetto SISMI-DTC Lazio 2020
TGA/Chemometric Test Is Able to Detect the Presence of a Rare Hemoglobin Variant Hb Bibba FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES 2019
Upgrade of the CEDIT database of earthquake-induced ground effects in Italy ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2018

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