David Modiano


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
From the laboratory to the field: molecular studies on malaria transmission XXXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Parassitologia (SOIPA) 2024
Novel molecular approaches to study malaria transmission and mosquito-parasite-human interplay XII European Congress of Entomology (ECE 2023) 2023
Hospital-based surveillance of severe paediatric malaria in two malaria transmission ecological zones of Burkina Faso MALARIA JOURNAL 2023
Expression analysis of Plasmodium falciparum ookinete-specific genes in Anopheles coluzzii mosquitoes XXXII congresso nazionale della società italiana di parassitologia (SOIPA) 2022
Targeted deep amplicon sequencing of antimalarial resistance markers in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Cameroon INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES 2021
Development of a new molecular tool to study the transmission of Plasmodium falciparum parasite inside its main vector, the mosquito Anopheles coluzzii “the Parasite of the third Millennium” 2021
Structural organization of erythrocyte membrane microdomains and their relation with malaria susceptibility COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY 2021
Antibody response to Schistosoma haematobium and other helminth species in malaria-exposed populations from Burkina Faso ACTA TROPICA 2020
Insights into malaria transmission troughout molecular studies of the tripartite interactions between parasite, mosquito and human host. XI Seminar- PhD Day. COVID-19: Facing a multi(face)phase pandemic. September 17 and 24, October 1 and 8, 2020. Abstract book. Virtual Meeting. Organized by the Italian National Institute of Health and Sapienza University of Rome, 2020 (ISTISAN Congressi 20/C1). 2020
The human GTPase Rac1 plays an important role in Plasmodium falciparum infection of human erythrocytes. Atti del X Congresso del Corso di Dottorato in Malattie Infettive, Microbiologia e Sanità Pubblica 2019
Insights into malaria susceptibility using genome-wide data on 17,000 individuals from Africa, Asia and Oceania NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2019
Human candidate gene polymorphisms and risk of severe malaria in children in Kilifi, Kenya: a case-control association study THE LANCET. HAEMATOLOGY 2018
Malaria eradication in Italy. The story of a first success Ecology and evolution of infectious diseases. Pathogen control and public health management in low-income countries 2018
Characterisation of the opposing effects of G6PD deficiency on cerebral malaria and severe malarial anaemia ELIFE 2017
Detection of Plasmodium falciparum male and female gametocytes and determination of parasite sex ratio in human endemic populations by novel, cheap and robust RTqPCR assays MALARIA JOURNAL 2017
Resistance to malaria through structural variation of red blood cell invasion receptors SCIENCE 2017
Role of erythrocyte membrane microdomains in Plasmodium falciparum infection Atti del meeting annuale dell'Italian Malaria Network 2017
Role of erythrocyte membrane microdomains in Plasmodium falciparum infection Atti dell'VIII Congresso del Corso di Dottorato in Malattie Infettive, Microbiologia e Sanità Pubblica 2017
The prevalence and distribution of the amyloidogenic transthyretin (TTR) V122I allele in Africa MOLECULAR GENETICS & GENOMIC MEDICINE 2016
Admixture into and within sub-Saharan Africa ELIFE 2016

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