Paolo De Girolamo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Wave induced hydrodynamics field around a long submerged groin: the case of the Latina (Italy) nuclear power plant cooling system intake ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2020
Landslide-generated tsunamis. A numerical analysis of the near-field Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference 2020
Estimation of wave characteristics based on global navigation satellite system data installed on board sailboats SENSORS 2019
Wave characteristics estimation by GPS receivers installed on a sailboat travelling off-shore 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters, MetroSea 2018 - Proceedings 2019
3D numerical simulation of hydro-acoustic waves registered during the 2012 negros-cebu earthquake GEOSCIENCES 2019
Improvement in workability of terminals placed along the inner side of port vertical breakwaters by means of recurved parapet walls WIT Transactions on the Built Environment. Maritime Transport 2019 2019
Wave induced hydrodynamic field around the long submerged groin of the Latina(Italy) nuclear power plant SCACR19 - Proceeding of the 9th Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research - Coastal Zone Strategies under Climate Change: Engineering, Geology, Ecology and Management 2019
Large impulsive forces on recurved parapets under non-breaking waves. A numerical study COASTAL ENGINEERING 2018
Effects of submerged berms on the stability of conventional rubble mound breakwaters COASTAL ENGINEERING 2018
Hydroacoustic waves measured during the 2012 Negros-Cebu earthquake JOURNAL OF WATERWAY PORT COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING-ASCE 2018
Construction Aspects of the Civil Works for the Storm Surge Barrier at Chioggia Inlet -Venice Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2017. Realising the Potential, proceedings of the 11th international conference organised by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in Liverpool on 05 to 07 September 2017 2018
Design of a new fishery harbour in Masirah Island, Oman Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2017. Realising the Potential, proceedings of the 11th international conference organised by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in Liverpool on 05 to 07 September 2017 2018
Experimental investigation on non-breaking wave forces and overtopping at the recurved parapets of vertical breakwaters COASTAL ENGINEERING 2018
Wave loading for recurved parapet walls in non-breaking wave conditions. Analysis of the induced impulsive forces Coastal Engineering2018. Proceedings of 36th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2018; Baltimore; United States; 30 July 2018 through 3 August 2018 2018
Large scale tests on foreshore evolution during storm sequences and the performance of a nearly vertical structure Coastal Engineering 2018. Proceedings of 36th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2018; Baltimore; United States; 30 July 2018 through 3 August 2018 2018
The use of wave forecasts for maritime activities safety assessment APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH 2017
Seismic scattering attribute for sedimentary classification of nearshore marine quarries for a major beach nourishment project: Case study of Adriatic coastline, Regione Abruzzo (Italy) JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 2017
Time clustering of wave storms in the Mediterranean Sea NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES 2017
An analytical model for preliminary assessment of dredging-induced sediment plume of far-field evolution for spatial non homogeneous and time varying resuspension sources COASTAL ENGINEERING 2017
Met-ocean and heeling analysis during the violent 21/22 october 2014 storm faced by the sailboat ECO40 in the gulf of lion: comparison between measured and numerical wind data Communications in Computer and Information Science 2016

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