Alessandro Ansani


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Trusting COVID-19 vaccines as individual and social goal SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2022
Facial impression of trustworthiness biases statement credibility unless suppressed by facemask CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2022
Multimodality and Music Performance. The Lexicons of Gesture and Gaze in Orchestra and Choir Conductors ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA 2022
The impact of facemasks on emotion recognition, trust attribution and re-identification SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021
Music and time perception in audiovisuals: arousing soundtracks lead to time overestimation no matter their emotional valence MULTIMODAL TECHNOLOGIES AND INTERACTION 2021
Analyzing the perceived utility of covid-19 countermeasures: the role of pronominalization, moral foundations, moral disengagement, fake news embracing, and health anxiety PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS 2021
Geert Brône and Bert Oben (Eds.): Eye-tracking in interaction CORPUS PRAGMATICS 2020
The Power of Gaze in Music. Leonard Bernstein’s Conducting Eyes MULTIMODAL TECHNOLOGIES AND INTERACTION 2020
How Soundtracks Shape What We See: Analyzing the Influence of Music on Visual Scenes Through Self-Assessment, Eye Tracking, and Pupillometry FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2020
Attraction comes from many sources. Attentional and comparative processes in decoy effects JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING 2020
The conductor’s intensity gestures PSYCHOLOGY OF MUSIC 2020
‘You will be judged by the music I hear’: A study on the influence of music on moral judgement WEB INTELLIGENCE 2019
Human, all too human. Towards a disfluent virtual tourist guide ACM UMAP 2019 Adjunct - Adjunct Publication of the 27th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization 2019
The influence of music on risk attitude AISC midterm conference 2019 2019
Decoy effects in intertemporal choice as a litmus test for connectionist models of decision-making AISC midterm conference 2019 2019
Soundtrack shapes the way we relate to movie scenes: toward a multi-level model of interpretation XVI AISC Annual Conference 2019: THE COMPLEXITY OF COGNITION: MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACHES TO HUMAN BEHAVIOUR 2019
Sighs in everyday life and in political communication Proceedings of Laughter Workshop 2018 2018
The lexicon of the conductor's gaze Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Movement and Computing 2018
The meanings of the sigh. Vocal expression along the route of our desires LEBENSWELT 2018
Virtual sighs to understand human sighs XV Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (sezione Psicologia Sociale) (book of abstract) 2018

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