Titolo |
Pubblicato in |
Anno |
Il punto di vista dell'ingegnere architetto |
Il misuratore di icone. Tecnologie e progetto |
2024 |
The new technological paradigm in the post-digital era. Three convergent paths between creative action and computational tools |
The new technological paradigm in the post-digital era. Three convergent paths between creative action and computational tools |
2023 |
“Formatecnica”. Il nuovo paradigma culturale
che investe lo spazio del progetto |
2023 |
Technological imagination in the green and digital transition |
Technological imagination in the green and digital transition |
2023 |
New materiality in the project of small architectural devices for exhibition set-up: a research experience between conception, language, perception and construction |
Materiart: Architectural Design, Research and Technology |
2022 |
Cosa è il design |
2022 |
Remote design thinking. Dynamics and perspectives of the transformation in the online didactics and project |
HEAd'22. 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances |
2022 |
La dimensione attiva del progetto. Strategie di allestimento e re-design dello spazio pubblico |
2022 |
Hassan Fathy (1900-1989). L'approccio costruttivo resiliente |
Architettura, Design, Cultura tecnologica. Il racconto di 18 protagonisti del Novecento |
2021 |
After lockdown. Light regenerative set-up and re-design of the public space |
A new life for landscape, architecture and design |
2021 |
Design: knowledge and missions. The generalistic training of ‘Made in italy' industrial designer |
2021 |
Towards a new interaction between educational processes and practices: Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome |
Thresholds in Architectural Education |
2020 |
(Ri)costruzione post-sisma. Nuovi modelli dell'abitare |
Territori fragili. Saggi ed approfondimenti dopo IFAU 2018 |
2020 |
Back to the Human Scale: Some Comments The Physical Model as a Tool for Training Culture of Design, From Object to Space |
2020 |
Industrial production, new tools and technologies for design of custom prefab housing |
Producing Project |
2020 |
Produzione industriale, nuovi strumenti e tecnologie per il progetto di residenze prefabbricate customizzate: opportunità e limiti |
2019 |
L’edificio residenziale alto nello sviluppo della città cinese. Un’esperienza di ricerca.The high rise building in the development of the chinese city. A research experience |
2019 |
Produzione industriale, nuovi strumenti e tecnologie per il progetto di residenze prefabbricate customizzate: opportunità e limiti. Industrial production, new tools and technologies for design of custom prefab housing: opportunities and limits. |
2019 |
Re-thinking Re-construction New design strategies for the reconstruction after natural disasters. A local research experience for a global topic |
Architecture across Boundaries 2019 XJTLU International Conference: Architecture across Boundaries |
2019 |
(Ri) costruzione post-sisma. nuovi modelli insediativi low-density / high performance nel contesto dei borghi del centro-italia colpiti dal sisma del 2016 |
Fragile territories |
2019 |