Luca Dezi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Principi Benefit: l'esempio Yves Rocher Sinergie SIMA Management Conference 2022 - Boosting knowledge & trust for a sustainable busines 2022
Longevity Family Firm and Innovation: A matter of communication? CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT STUDIES 2022
The pharmaceutical e-commerce development through retail digitalization Next Generation Marketing - People, Planet, Place: cooperation & shared value for a new era of critical marketingNext Generation Marketing - People, Planet, Place: cooperation & shared value for a new era of critical marketing 2022
Non-Financial Strategy Disclosure and Environmental, Social and Governance Score: Insight from a Configurational Approach BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2021
Smart Environments and Techno-centric and Human-Centric Innovations for Industry and Society 5.0: A Quintuple Helix Innovation System View Towards Smart, Sustainable, and Inclusive Solutions JOURNAL OF THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY 2021
Towards designing society 5.0 solutions: The new Quintuple Helix - Design Thinking approach to technology TECHNOVATION 2021
The influence of inbound open innovation on ambidexterity performance: Does it pay to source knowledge from supply chain stakeholders? JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH 2020
I processi collaborativi di sviluppo dell’innovazione nell’era dell’intellectual capital e dell’ambidexterity: il ruolo delle reti di conoscenza Contributi in onore di Gaetano Maria Golinelli 2020
The Role of External Embeddedness and Knowledge Management as Antecedents of Ambidexterity and Performances in Italian SMEs IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT 2019
Elderly Entrepreneurs in Healthcare: The Case of the European Institute of Oncology (IEO) Handbook of Research on Elderly Entrepreneurship 2019
The knowledge management of micro-firms in the crowd: key challenges for successful operations* PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL 2019
Big data visualisation, geographic information systems and decision making in healthcare management MANAGEMENT DECISION 2018
Assessing the impact and antecedents of university scientific research on firms' innovation commercialisation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT 2018
Unpacking open innovation neighborhoods: le milieu of the lean smart city MANAGEMENT DECISION 2018
Improving innovation performance through knowledge acquisition: the moderating role of employee retention and human resource management practices JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 2018
The role of big data in shaping ambidextrous business process management BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT JOURNAL 2018
Post-Campaign Operational Problems Hindering Promised Rewards in Crowdfunding Projects JOURNAL OF INNOVATION ECONOMICS 2018
The link between mergers and acquisitions and innovation MANAGEMENT RESEARCH REVIEW 2018
Equity crowdfunding inTechnology Transfer Strategies and Licensing INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT 2018
Do entrepreneurial knowledge and innovative attitude overcome “imperfections” in the innovation process? Insights from SMEs in the UK and Italy JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 2018

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